1902 Encyclopedia > Africa > African Ethnology
(Part 13)
(a) Introduction
From the shores of the Mediterranean to about the latitude of 20° N., the population of Africa consists largely of tribes not originally native to the soil, but of Arabs and Turks, planted by conquest, with a considerable number of Jews, the children of dispersion; and the more recently introduced French. The Berbers of the Atlas region, the Tuaricks and Tibbus of the Sahara, and the Copts of Egypt, may be viewed as the descendants of the primitive stock, while those to whom the general name of Moors is applied, are perhaps of mixed descent, native and foreign. From the latitude stated to the Cape Colony, tribes commonly classed together under the title of the Ethiopic or Negro family are found, though many depart very widely from the peculiar physiognomy of the Negro, which is most apparent in the natives of the Guinea coast. In the Cape Colony, and on its borders, the Hottentots form a distinct variety in the population of Africa, most closely resembling the Mongolian races of Asia.
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Africa - Table of Contents
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This book maps the tribal groupings and languages with excellent maps of both, so that you can see the distribution of the tribes and languages continent-wide rather than just country by country.
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