(j) Lombard Alps
The limits of the Lombard Alps have been already pointed out. They are enclosed on the east and west sides by the Adige and the Lake Como, extending trough about 90 miles from near Meran to Lecco. Their northern boundary is the great orographic trough that stretches from the head of the lake Como along the valley of the Adda to Tresenda, thence by the low Africa Pass to the upper Val Camonica, and over the Tonale Pass to the Val di Sole. Where that valley bends abruptly to SSE., the trough still keeps its original direction across the Gampen Pass to the right bank of the Adige below Meran. In spite of the zeal with which travelers have of late years explored the unfrequented parts of the Alps, this group continues to be very imperfectly known, although it offers abundant attractions to the naturalist and the lover of picturesque and grand scenery.
Chief Peaks of the Lombard Alps
Legnone……………………. 8,568 Crozzon di Laris…………. 10,889
Pizzo dei Tre Signori,about 8,600 Monte Adamello…………. 11,832
Grigna (Monte Codeno)….. 7,908 Care Alto…………………. 11,352
Corna Stella…………......... 8,845 Presanella, or Cima di Nar-
Aralalta……………………. 6,585 dis…………………. 11,688
Monte Arera………………. 8,255 Cima delle Rochette…....... 10,777
Monte Redorta……………. 9,980 Brenta Alta…………….. (?) 10,771
Pizzo del Diavolo………….. 9,574 Monte Baldo (highest peak)
Pizzo di Cocca…………….. 9,705 -La Colma)………… 7,212
Monte Presolana………….. 8,202 Mendola (Monte Roen)…… 6,919
Monte Frerone…………….. 8,676 Monte Bondone……………. 7,412
Monte Blumone……………. 9,321
Chief Passes in the Lombard Alps
Passo di San Marco (Morbegno to Val Brembana), bridle-path 5,977
Passo del Salto (Sondrio to Val Seriana), footpath………about. 7,500
Presolana Pass (Castione to Val di Scalve), footpath…………… 4,265
Aprica Pass (Sondrio to Edolo), carriage road…………………. 4,052
Tonale Pass (Edolo to Val di Sole), carriage road………………. 6,483
Gampen Pass (Cles to Meran), bridle-path…………….. about 4,000
Croce Domini Pass (Breno to Lodron), bridle-path……..about 6,500
Passo di S. Valentino (Val di Fum to Tione), snow………about 9,300
Passo del Lago Ghiacciato (Ponte di Legno to Pinzolo), snow… 9,437
Passo di Lares (Pinzolo to Val di Fum), glacier………………… 9,230
Ginevrie Pass (Pinzolo to Val di Non), bridle-path…………….. 5,200
Bocca di Brenta (Pinzolo to Molveno), snow……………………. 8,502
Mendelscharte (Cles to Botzen), bridle-path……………………. 4,964
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