Trout Fishing
The trout (Salmo fario) has already been fully dealt with as regards the means employed in capturing him, and very little more needs to be said.
He may be caught on the surface by the natural and artificial fly, by spinning a minnow, &c., in wide-water, by a live minnow, by casting a beetle or grub also in mid-water, and fishing with a worm at the bottom.

Fig. 22 -- The Common Trout
There are very few fish that have so wide a range as the trout. From the poles to the outside boundaries of the tropics they are found on every continent, either in running or still waters, for neither comes amiss to them. From the huge lake trout, vying with the salmon in size and strength, the species dwindles down to the small burn fish of six or eight to the pound.
There is hardly any way of using the rod that is not more or less suitable for their capture; and though salmon fishing is held the nobler pursuit of the two, yet far more skill is required to make an expert trout fisher, so cunning and wary do they become when much fished over.
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