1902 Encyclopedia > Ape > Bibliography on Apes

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Bibliography on Apes

AGASSIZ (L). Geographical Distribution. Bull. Soc. Nat., Neufchatel, vol. i. p. 59, 1844; Ibid. 1828, p. 861.

ALIX (E). Papillae of Extremities. Ann. So. Nat. viii. P. 295, and ix. P. 5 pl. 2-5.

ANDERSON. P.Z.S., 1872, p. 203, pl. 12.

ANDETERT (J.B.). Hist. Nat desSinges et des Makis, 1797.

BENNETT (E.T.) P.Z.S., 1831, p. 38; 1833, p. 109. 109. 109. 109.

BEYRICH (H.) Semnopithecus. Abhand. Der Berlin Akad., 1860, pp. 1, 26.

BIRCH (Sam.), Monkeys known to Chinese. Charlesworth's Mag. Nat Hist., 1839, p. 537; and 1840, p. 35.

BISHOFF (Prof. L.W.). Skulls, Sitzgs. Bayer. Ak. Wiss., 1867, pp. 283 and 444; Abh. Bayer Ak Wiss., x. 1870, p. 199, 5 plates (Hylobates); 1871, p. 98 (Brain).

BLAINVILLE. Ostéographie. General Pithecus and Cebus, and Geographical Distribution. Ann. Franc. Et Etrang. D'Anat., 1838, vol. ii. p. 358.

BLANDFORD, Observations on Geol. And Zool. Of Abyssinia, pp. 32, 222, and 224.

BLYTH (E.). Jour. As. Soc. Bengal, 1860, vol. xxix. P. 87, and 1865, p. 192.

BRANDT (J. F.). Vocal Organs. Diss. Inaug. Anat.-Phys., Berlin, 1816.

BRESCHET (Gib.). Generative Organs. Mem. Acad. Sc. Paris, 1845. vol. xix. P. 40.

BROCA (P.). Caudal Vertenrae, rebue d'Anthropolgie, vol. i., L'ordres des Primates (Anatomical Parallel of Man and Apes), Paris, 1870.

BUFFON. Histoire Naturelle, vols. Xvi. Xv., and Supplement, vol. vii.

BURDACH (Ernst). Berichte von der Koniglichen Anatomische Anstalt zu Konigsberg, 1838.

BURMEISTER. La Plata, vol. ii. p. 390; and Cebus, Halle, 1854.

BURT (Dr.) Pr. Roy. Soc. Edin., 1865, vol. c. p. 341.

CAMPER. Natuurkundige Verhandelingen over den Orang-Outang an eenige andere Aapsoorten. Amsterdam, 1732.

CARUS (C.G.). N. Acta. Acad. C.L., 1861, vol. xxviii.

CHAMPENEYS (F.). Myology. Jour. Anat. And Phys., 1871, p. 176.

CHURCH (W. Selby). Myology. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861, p. 510, and 1862, p. 32.

CRISP (Dr.) P.Z.S., 1865, p. 58

CUVIER (F). Ann. Du Mus., 1807, p. 477; 1810, p. 46; and Mem. Du Mus., 1818, pp. 109,419; Soc. Philom. N. Bull., 1818, p. 29.

DARESTE (C). Brain. L'Institut., 1856, xxiv. No. 1149, p. 17.

DAVID (Rev. Father). Nouv. Archiv. Mus. 1872, vol. vii. Bull. P. 88.

DESMAREST. Mammologie.

D'ORBIGNY. Amerique Meridianale.

DUMORTIER (B.C.). Bull. De l'Acad. R. de Bruxelles, v. No. 11.

DUVERNOY (G.L.). Compt. Rend. 1853, vol. xxxvi. P. 925, and 1853, vol. xxxvi. P. 817; Archiv. Du Mus., 1855-56, vol. viii. P. 1; Mem. Soc. D'Hist. Nat. n.d. Strasbourg, 1835, vol. ii.

EMBLETON (Dr. D.). Chimpanzee. Nat. Hist. Review, 1864, p. 250.

ESCHRICHT. Larynx Muscle of Gibbon. Muller's Archiv. Of Anat. 1834 p. 218.

EUDES-DESLONGCHAMPS. Bull. Soc. Linn. De Normandie, 1860-61 p. 54 tab. 3-8.

FALCONER. Palaeontological Memoirs, vol. I pp. 202 and 296.

FLOWER (W.H.). Brain. Phil. Trans., 1862, p. 185, pl. 2 and 3; Nat. Hist. Review, april 1863, p. 279; P.Z.S. June 1864, p. 337, pl. 29; Anatomy of Pithecia, P.Z.S., Dec. 1862, p. 326, pl. 37; Digestive Organs, Medical Times and Gazette, March 23, April 6 and 20, and May 4, 1872.

FRY (E.O.) Osteology of Gibbons. P.Z.S., 1864, p. 11.

GAUDRY (Alb.). Animaux Fossiles et Geologie de l'Attique, 1862.

GEOFFROY ST HILAIRE (Et.). Ann. Du Mus., 1806, p. 260; 1809, p. 89; and 1812, pp. 85, 156; Nouv. Bull. Sc. Soc. Philom. 1813, iii. pp. 218. 265; Comptes Rendus, 1836, vol. ii. pp. 27, 62.

GEOFFROY ST HILAIRE (Isidro). Ferussac Bull. Sc. Nat., 1829, xvii. P. 429' Mem. Du Mus., 1829, p. 121; Mag de Zool., 1832, p. 5. &c.' 1833, pl. 11; and 1850, p. 20; Compt. Rend., 1842, xv. P. 716; 1842, xvi/ 1236; 1843, xvii. P. 1150; 1847, xxiv. P. 576; 1848, xxvii. P. 497; 1850 xxxi. P. 873; 1851, geographical Distribution, xxxiii. P. 361; 1853; xxxvi. P. 933; Archiv. Du Mus., 1844, iv. p. 1; 1852, v. p. 529; 1858- 61, p. 1; Catalogue de la Collection des Mammifères du Mus. D'Hist. Nat., partie i., Primates, Paris, 1851; Ann. Sc. Nat., 1851, p. 154.

GERVAIS. Hist. Nat. des Mammiferes, and Geologie et Palaeontologie Francaises in Guerin Mag. De Zool., 1836, pl. 18.

GIEBEL. Skull. Zeitschr. Z. Ntrwiss., 1866, p. 401.

GIGLIOLI (E.H.) Chimpanzee Skull. Ann. Del Mus. Civic. Di Geneva, vol. iii Dec. 1872.

GRATIOLET (P.) Memoire sur les Plis Cerebraux, with Atlas, Paris, 1854; Comp. Rend., 1860, i. 50, p. 801; Myology, Soc. Philom. Extr. Proces vert., 1855, p. 68; L'Institut. 23 (1855), p. 331; rev. et. Mag. De Zool., xvi. P. 266; Ann. Of Nat. Hist., 1850, vol. v. p. 54.

GRAY (J.E.). Ann. And Mag. Of Nat. Hist., 1850, vol. v. p. 54; 1861, pp. 136, 274, 349; 1863, p. 398; 1845, pp. 212, 217; Pro. Zool. Soc., 1848, pp. 56 138, 1849, p. 7; 1850, p. 77; 1860, p. 228; 1861, p. 212; 1865, pp. 735, 782, 825; 1866, pp. 168, 202; 1867, p. 992; 1868, pp. 180, 256; Catalogue of Monkeys, 1870.

HAMY (E.T.) Brain. Arch. Zool. Experim., 1872, p. 429.

HARLAN (R.) Jour. Acad. Nat. Sc. Philad., 1827, vol. v. p. 229, and Trans. Amer. Phil. soc., 1834, vol. iv. p. 52.

HARTMANN (R.) Reichert and du Bois Raymon's Archiv., Berlin, 1872.

HEER. Urwelt der Schweiz, 1865.

HEMPRICH (F. W.) Apes of Sennaar, &c., Verhand., Ges. Naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, 1829, vol. i. p. 406.

HEUGLIN, Verhandl. d. L. Caes. Akad., vol. xxx.

HOFFMANSEGG. Apes of Brazil. Mag. D. Ges. Naturf. Freunde zu Berlin, 1807, p. 83.

HUXLEY (T. H.). Man's Place in Nature; Hunterian Lectures, reported in Medical Times for 1864; Manual of the Anatomy of Vertebrates, and Pro. Zool. Soc., 1861, p. 246, pl. 20; Nat. Hist. Review, 1861. p. 67.

HYRT (Prof.). Retia Mirabilia in Ateles. Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, xxii. P. 122.

KOLK. (See Schrorder, Van der Kolk.)

KUHL. Beitr. Z. Zool. U. Vergl. Anat., 1820.

LANKESTER (E. Ray). Brain. Quar. Jour. Sci., 1865, p. 562.

LARTET. Comptes Rendus, vol. xliii. 1865, p. 219.

LESSON (R. P.) Species des Mammifères Bimanes et Quadrumanes, Paris, 1840, and in Revue Zool., 1848, pp. 159, 191, 233, 255.

LEUCKART (F.S.). Ueber die Bildung d. Geschlechhtsorgane, in Zoologische Bruchstucke, Stuttgart, 1841, vol. ii. p. 37.

LEURET. Brain. Comptes Rendus, 1843, vol. xvi. P. 1372.

MACALISTEE (Alex.). Myology. Nat Hist. Soc. Of Dublin, April 1866; Ann. And Mag. of Nat. Hist., 1871, viii. P. 341, and 1872, x p. 62

MARSHALL. Brain. Nat. Hist. Review, vol. I p. 296.

MARTIN (W.) Natural History of Man and Monkeys. Charlesworth's Mag., 1838, vol. ii. p. 320; P.Z.S., 1838, p. 117; 1837, p. 70.

MARTIN ST ANGE (G.J.). Placenta of Hapale. Revue Zool., 1844, p. 73.

MAYER. Verhand. Des Nat. Vereins der P. Rheinlande v. Westphalen, xix. Sitzungberichte, p. 195.

MEYER (H. R.). Funft. Berich d. Offenbach Verein, 1864, p. 68.

MILNE-EDWARDS (Alphonse). Compt Rend., 1870, lxx. P. 341; Nouv. Arch. Mus., Bull. Vi. P. 7, pl. 1; Recherches pour Servir a l'Histoire Nat. des Mammiferes.

MIVART (St George). Pro. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 43; 1865, p. 545; 1873, p. 506; Trans. Zool. Soc., vol. vi. P. 175; Philosophical Transactions, 1867, p. 299; Man and Apes, 1873.

MONTEIRO. P. Z. S., 1863, p. 238.

MULLER (Sal.). Bijdragen tot de Natuurlyke Histoire van den Orang - -Otan in Verhandelingen over de Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche Overseesche Bezittingen, Leyden, 1840.

MURIE (J.). Pro. Zool. Soc., 1865, p. 744; 1872, pp. 721, 770, 771, 780.

OWEN (R.). Pro. Zool. Soc. 1830, pp. 4, 9, 28, 67; 1832, p. 18; 1833, p. 74; 1841, p. 84; 1848, pp. 27, 53; Trans Zool. Soc., vol. i. pp. 65, 343; ii. p. 165; iii. p. 381; iv. pp. 75, 89, 165; v. pp. 1,243; Comptes Rendus, t. xxi. (Sept. 1845), p. 573; Anatomy of Vertebrates, vol. iii.

PETERS (W. C. H). Reisenach Mossambique, Abhand. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1866. p. 79; Monat. Ak. Wiss. Berlin, 1868, p. 637; Ntrf. Freund Berlin, 1872, p. 76.

REINHARDT (J.). Aftryk af Vidensk fra den Natur. Forening I Kjobenhavn, 1872; and P.Z.S., 1872, p. 797.

RENGGER (J. R.) Froriep Notizen, 1830 xxvi. P. 101; and Naturfesch. Der Saug. Von Paraguay, 1830.

ROLLESTON (G.). Brain. Nat. Hist. Review, vol. i. p. 201; and Medical Times and Hazette, February and March, 1862.

RUDOLPHI (C. A.) Ueber d. Embryo d. Affen u. einige andere Saugethiere, Berlin, 1828.

RUTIMEYER. Eocane Saugethiere, p. 38.

SANDIFORTH (G.). Ontleekundige Beschryving van eeen Volwassen Orang Otan in Verhandelingen over de Natuurlyke Geschiedenis der Nederlandsche overseesche Bezittingen, Leyden, 1840.

SAVAGE (Y.S.) On Gorilla, Sillim. Amen. Jour. 1849, vol. viii. P. 141; and Boston J. Nat. Hist. 1847, vol. v. p. 417.

SCHLEGEI., (See Müller.)

SCHMIDT. Zool. Garten, 1861, p. 129.

SCHROEDER, VAN DER KOLK. Brain. Verslagen der Koninkl. Akad. Amsterdam, 1862, xiii.p. 1, tab. 1.

SCLATER (P. L.) Geographical Distribution. Nat. Hist. Review, 1861. p. 507; and P.Z.S., 1872, p. 2; On Species, P.Z.S., 1860, p. 449, pl. 82; 1863; p. 374, pl. 31; 1864; pp. 710, 712; 1866, pp. 79, 305; 1868. pp. 183, 566; 1869, p. 592; 1870, p. 668; 1871, pp. 39, 219, 227, 651; 1872, pp. 663, 798.

SLACK. Pro. Acad. N. Sc. Phil., 1861, pp. 24, 463; 1862 p. 507; 1867, p. 34.

SPIX (J. B.). Simiarum et. Vespertilionum Brazil. Sp. Novae; Denkschr. 1K. Akad. d. Wiss zu Munchen, 1813, Math. Phys. C1., p. 321; Ibid., 1818, p. 607; Fror. Not., vol. vi. (1824), p. 196.

SWINHOE. P. Z. S. , 1862, p. 350, pl. 42; 1866, p. 556; 1870, p. 226.

TEMMINCK, Monographies de Mammologie, Leyden, 1835.

THEILE (F.) Arteries Müller's Archiv. Of Anat. 1852, p. 419.

TIEDEMANN (F.) Icones Cerebi Simiarum et quorandum Animalium rariorum, Heidelberg, vol. ii. 1821; and in Zeitschrift f. die Physiologie, Darmstadt, 1827, vol. ii. p. 17.

TRAILL (T. S.) Observations on the Anatomy of the Orang-Outang, in Mem. Of the Wernerian Nat. Hist. Soc., vol. iii., Edinburgh, 1841.

TRINCHESE (Sal.). Ann. Mus. Cir. Genoa, 1870, p. 1, pl. 1-3 (foetus of Orang).

TSCHUDI (J. J. von). Untersuchungen über die Fauna Peruana.

TURNER (W.). Brain. Pro. Of R. Soc. Of Edin. 1865-66, v. pp. 243, 578.

TYSON (E.) The Anatomy of a Pigmie, London, 1699

VAN BENEDEN (P. J.). Bull. de l'Acad. De Brux., 1838, v. p. 314.

VROLIK (W.) Compt. Rendus, 1850, vol. xxx. P. 83; L'Institut, 1850, xviii. No. 840, p. 43; Techerches d'Anat. Comp. Sur le Chimpansé, Amsterdam, 1841; and article Quadrumana in Todd's Cyclopedia of Anat. And Physiology, vol. iv. o. 194.

WAGNER (J. A.). Skull. Abhandl. Der Math. Phys. Klasse der K. k. Acad. Der Wissen., Munich, 1837, ii. p. 447; Continuation of Schreber's Saugethiere, Supplement, vol. I and v.

Wallace (Alfred). Malay Archipelago, vol. i. chap. iv.; Monkeys of Amazon P. Z. S., 1852, p. 107.

WATERHOUSE (G. R.). P.Z.S., 1838, vi. P. 61.

WEINLAND. Zool. Garten, 1861, p. 166; 1862, p. 201.

WIED (Maximilian, Prince of). Beitr. Z. Naturgeschichte von Brasilien, Weimar, 1826, vol. ii.

WILDER (Burt G.) Myology, Boston Jour. Nat. Hist., vol. vii. 1861.

WYMAN (J.) L'Institut, 1842, x. p. 5; Pro. Boston. Soc. Nat. Hist., 1847. vol. ii. p. 245; 1850. vol. iii. p. 179; 1856, vol. v. p. 274; 1863, p. 203; 1864, p. 356.

(ST. G. M.)

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The above article was written by St. George Jackson Mivart, M.D., Ph.D., F.R.S., formerly Lecturer on Zoology at St. Mary's Hospital Medical School, and Professor of the Philosophy of Biology at the University of Louvain; author of Genesis of Species; Man and Apes; and Lessons in Elementary Anatomy.

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