Further Reading on Aqueducts
For further information on the subject of ancient aqueducts, see E. Curtius, "Ueber Städtlische Wasserbauten der Hellene," in Archäologische Zeitung, 1847; Sextus Julius Frontinus, De Aquaeductibus Urbis Romae Libri II., with the Commentaries of Polenus (Patav.1722) and Rondelet (Paris, 1820); Raphael Fabretti, De Aquis et Aquaeductibus Veteris Romae Dissertatio; Plinii Hist. Nat. lib. xxxvi. Cap. xv.; Montfaucon, Antiquité Expliquée, tome iv. tab. 128; Governor Pownalls Notes and Description of Antiquities in the Provincia Romana of Gaul; Belidors Architecture Hydraulique, containing a drawing of the aqueduct of Maintenon; also Mém. Acad. Par.; Andreossy, Voyage à lEmbouchure de Mer Noire, ou Essai sur le Bosphore; Philosophical Transactions Abridged, vol. i.; and Links Travels in Portugal.
And for modern aqueducts, see Rickmans Life of Telford, 1838; Schramkes New York Croton Aqueduct; Second Annual Report of the Department of Public Works of the City of New York in 1872; Mémoires sur les Eaux de Paris, presentes par le Préfet de la Seine au Conseil Municipal, 1854 and 1858; Recherches statistiques sur les sources du Bassin de la Seine, par M. Belgrand, Ingenieur en chef des ponts et chaussées, 1854. "Description of Mechanical arrangements of the Manchester Waterworks," by John Frederic Bateman, F.R.S., Engineer-in-chuef, from the Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1866; The Glasgow Waterworks, by James M. Gale, Member Inst. C.E. 1863 and 1864; The Report of the Royal Commission on Water Supply, and the Minutes of Evidence, 1867 and 1868. (A. S. M. -- J. F. B.)
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The above article was written by:
Alexander Stuart Murray, LL.D., F.S.A.; Keeper of Greek and Roman Antiquities, British Museum, from 1886; author of History of Greek Sculpture, Handbook of Greek Archaeology, Designs from Greek Vases, and Terra-Cotta Sarcophagi;
John Frederick Latrobe Bateman, C.E., F.R.S., President of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1878-79; planned the water supply of Manchester, of Glasgow, and many other towns; author of History and Description of the Manchester Waterworks, and On the Supply of Water to London.