1902 Encyclopedia > Arboriculture > The Hornbeam
(Part 16)
The HORNBEAM (Carpinus Betulus, L.) is an indigenous, moderate-sized, slow-growing tree, bearing a general resemblance to the beech, though of less value. It coppices well, and along with beech is valued for making hedges, as these trees retain their leaves a great part of the winter. The hornbeam is propagated by its nuts, which are produced in abundance. The wood is used for tool-handles, cog-wheels, and screws. Selby (British Forest Trees) recommends the use of the hornbeam as a nurse-tree.
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Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees
by David More and Joan White

First published in England, this volume could be described as a labor of love. More worked for many years painting the more than 2,000 illustrations of trees, bark, flowers, leaves, cones, and fruits. White is a retired dendrologist who wrote the accompanying text. The trees are varieties that grow in Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, and Holland, but the introduction notes that most are found in the U.S and many are native to North America.
The volume is arranged by scientific order beginning with the ginkgo family and ending with palms. Each two-page spread has an average of a quarter page of text with the rest devoted to illustrations of the trees and detailed pictures of the cones, leaves, etc. In addition to the descriptions of more than 1,000 species and varieties of trees, there are notes indicating height, hardiness, choice, and wood. The hardiness table is calculated by a percentage based on the minimum temperature. Choice refers to a tree's garden value as expressed by a rating of from one (excellent for ornamental and practical value) to four (not recommended because of susceptibility to disease or other reasons). The illustrations of mature trees (often in two or three seasons) sometimes have an animal or person under the tree to indicate scale. There are some omissions of common trees in the U.S., such as the mountain laurel and shadbush. Other oddities include the use of the term lime instead of linden.
In the last four years there have been a number of books published on trees. For the U.S. gardener Dirr's Hardy Trees and Shrubs (Timber, 1998) is recommended. However, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Trees is more than a reference book and will be read for pleasure. The beautiful illustrations and informative text make it a perfect source for anyone interested in this important part of our environment.
-- Booklist
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