1902 Encyclopedia > Borneo > Further Reading on Borneo

(Part 9)

Further Reading on Borneo

Of the works on Borneo, which are very numerous, the following may be named:-- Blommaert's Discours ende ghelegentheyt van het eylandt Borneo int 1609; Hachelyke reystogt van Jacob Jansz. de Roy na Borneo en Atchin in het jaar 1691; Beeckman, Visit to Borneo, 1718; Valentijn's description in his great work, 1726; Berigt van eez reiziger over Borneo Propre in P. P. Roorda van Eysinga's Verschill. reisen en lotgevallen, vol. iv.; G. W. Eastern Seas, 1837; W. L. Ritter, Indische Herinneringen,1843 ; S. Muller, Reisen in den Ind. Archip.; Keppel, Expedition of the Dido, 1846; Mundy, Narrative of events in Borneo and Celebes, 1848; Belcher, Voy. of the Samarang, 1840; H. Low, Sarawak, 1848 ; F. S. Marryat, Borneo, &r., 1848; Keppel, Visit to Ind. Archipel. by the Maeander, 1853; J. C. Temple, Private Letters of Sir J. Brooke, 1853 ; H. St John, The lndian Archip., 1853; C. A. L. M. Schwaner, Borneo, Beschr. van het stromgebied van den Barito, etc., in den jaaren 1843-47, 1853-4; P. J. Veth, Borneo's Westerafdeeling, 1854, 1856 (a work which has been largely used in the preparation of the present article) ; E. Francis, Herinneringen uit het leven van een Indisch. ambtenaar, 1856 ; J. J. Rochussen, Toelichting, etc. van eenige daden van mijn bestuur, 1853; W. A. van Rees, Montrado, etc., 1858; C. J. Temminck, Coup d'oeil sur les poss. Neérland. dans l'Inde Archipel., 1846-50 ; Ida Pfeiffer, Zweite Weltreise, 1856; MacDougall, Letters from Sarawak, addressed to a Child, 1854; Crawfurd, Descriptive Dictionary, art. Borneo; W. E. Kroesen and F. H. van Vlissingen, Culture- en Industrie-ondernemingen van Borneo, 1859 ; J. Hasselman and F. H. van Vlissingen, Beschouwingen over de exploitatie van Borneo, 1859 ; Tracy, History of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions, 1842; Spenser St John, Life in the Forests of the Far East, 1862 ; F. Boyle, Adventures among the Dyaks of Borneo,1865 ; A. R. Wallace, The Malay Archipel., 1869 ; P. J. Veth, Woordenboek van Nederl. Indie, 1869; (in this work the reader will find a long list of articles on Borneo that have appeared in Dutch and other periodicals); "Contribuzioni geografiche italiane a Borneo" in the Cosmos of Guido Cola, 1874. (H. A. W.)

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The above article was written by Hugh A. Webster,
formerly Librarian, Edinburgh University; editor of the Scottish Geographical Magazine; sub-editor of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.

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