Further Reading
Authorities. A. R. Rangabé, Histoire Littéraire de la Grèce Moderne, Paris, 1877 ; Dr Rudolf Mcolai, Geschichte der neugriech-ischen Literatur, Leipsic, 1876 ; Alfred Bougeault, Histoire des Littératures Étrangères, vol. iii., Paris,1876; A. Papadopoulos Bretos, N¤oeAA.9jfitcfy QiKoXoyia, Athens, 1854-57 ; Constantinos Sathas, NeoeÀÀrçj'iK^ ^tKoKoyla, Athens, 1868; the work ofRizos Neroulos, and the collections of Mavophrydis, Legrand, Wagner, and Sathas mentioned above; Leake, Researches in Greece, London, 1814; short sketches of the literature in J. Donaldson's Modern Greek Grammar, Edin., 1853, in Geldart, The Modern Greek Language, 1870, and in Sargeant's New Greece. A full account of modern Greek grammars is given in Mullach's Grammatik der Griechischen Vulgarsprache, Berlin, 1856, and in the prefaces by Legrand to the Grammar of Sophianos, Paris, 1874, and his own Grammaire Grecque Moderne, Paris, 1878. Dictionaries:Kind, Modern Greek and German ; Byzantios and Dehèque, Modem Greek and French ; Contopoulos, Modern Greek and English ; Sophocles, Byzantine Greek and, English. Collections of Modern Greek Poetry:Chantseris, Néoy "EWVVLKUS Tlapvaffffôs, Athens, 1841; Tepharikis, Tïapva<T<r6$f Athens, 1868; Antonio Manaraki, Neugrieehischer Pamass, Berlin, 1879. Selections of poems :Kind's Neugriechische Anthologie, Leipsic, 1847; J. Donaldson, Lyra Grca, Edin., 1854; Felton's Selections from Modern Greek Writers in Prose and Poetry, Cam-bridge, U. S., 1857; Vincent and Dickson, Handbook of Modem Greek, London, 1879. Collections of ballads by Fauriel, Zampelios, Passow, Tepharikis, Legrand, and of Cretan ballads by Anton Jeannaraki. Discussion of the modern Greek language and of ballads in Professor Blackie's Hor Hellenic, 1874, and of the ballads in Tozer's Researches in the Highlands of Turkey, 1869. (J. D.)
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