1902 Encyclopedia > Tom Hood

Tom Hood
English writer and illustrator

TOM HOOD (1835-1874), son of Thomas Hood, and the inheritor of similar though less brilliant literary talents, was born at Lake House, Wanstead, January 19, 1835. After attending University College School and Louth Grammar School he entered Pembroke College, Oxford, where he passed all the examinations for the degree of B.A., but did not graduate. At Oxford he also wrote his first work, Pen and Pencil Pictures, which appeared in 1854-55. This was followed in 1861 by The Daughters of King Daker, and other Poems, after which he published a number of amusing books for children. His serious novels were not so successful, and are now almost wholly forgotten. He also wielded the pencil with considerable facility, among his illustrations being those of several of his father's comic verses. Having become editor of the comic paper Pun in 1865, he succeeded in acquiring for it a wide popularity, principally as a depictor of the humours and eccentricities of middle-class life. Privately his lightsomeness, geniality, and sincere friendliness secured him the affection and esteem of his wide circle of acquaintance. He died 20th November 1874.

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