"Owl" Article -- Table of Contents
Part 1. Classification of Owls
Part 2. Sense of Hearing, Size, Plumage, Coloration, and Toes of Owls
Part 3. Tawny Owl (Strix stridula)
Part 4. S. cinerea or S. lapponica. Eagle, Snowy, Horned and Woodcock Owls.
Part 5. Genus Scops. Speotyto cunicularia. Carine noctua. Little Owl.
Part 6. Screech Owl (Aluco flammeus)
The above article was written by Alfred Newton, M.A., F.R.S.; Professor of Zoology and Comparative Anatomy, University of Cambridge; late Chairman of Brit. Assoc. Migration of Birds Committee; President of the Cambridge Philosophical Society; author of Ornithology of Iceland and A Dictionary of Birds; edited The Ibis, 1865-70 and The Zoological Record, 1870-72.
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National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America
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