EWALD, Alexander Charles ; Clerk in the Public Record Office, 1861-90; author of ‘A Reference Book of English History,’ ‘Our Public Records,’ ‘Life and Times of Prince Charles Stuart, Count of Albany.
EWART, Lieut.-General Charles Brisbane, R.E., C.B. Knight of Legion of Honour, served in the Crimean War; General Officer of Communications at Suakim, 1885; Colonel Commandant, Royal Engineers, 1902; served on royal Sanity Commission, and also on Royal Commision on Thames Pollution.
EWART, James Cossar,.M.D., F.R.S.; Regius Professor of Natural History, Edinburgh; Professor of Natural History, Aberdeen, 1878-82; member of the Fishery Board for Scotland; part-author of ‘The Locomotor System of the Echinoderms’; author of ‘On the Progress of Fish Culture in America,’ ‘The Development of the Limbs of the Horse,’ etc.
EWING, James Alfred, M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S., M. Inst.C.E.; Professor of Mechanism and Applied Mechanics, Cambridge; Fellow of King’s College, Cambridge; Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan, 1878-83; author of ‘Treatise on Earthquake Measurement,’ ‘Magnetic Induction in Iron and other Metals,’ ‘The Steam Engine and other Heat Engines,’etc.
EWING, Rev. Robert, M.A.; Fellow of St. John’s Coll., Oxford, 1870-76 ; Lecturer, 1871 ; Tutor, 1872; Dean of Arts, 1874; Rector of Holy Trinity, Trow-bridge, Wilts.
FAIRRAIRN, The Rev. Andrew Martin, M.A. D.D., LL.D. ; Principal of Mansfield Coll., Oxford; Principal of Airedale Coll., 1877-1886; Chairman of Congregational Union of England and Wales, 1883; Member of Royal Commission on Secondary Education, 1894-95; author of ‘Religion in History and in Modem Life,’ ‘Catholicism, Roman and Anglican,’ ‘The Philosophy of the Christian Religion,’ etc.
FAIRBROTHER, William Henry, M.A., Lec-turer in Philosophy, Lincoln College, Oxford; author of ‘Philosophy of Thomas Hill Green.’
FAIRLIE, John A., Ph.D.; Asst.-Prof. of Adminis-trative Law, Univ. of Michigan; author of ‘Municipal Government.’
FARNBOROUGH, Lord (Sir Thomas Erskine May), K.C.B., D.C.L.; Assistant-Librarian to the House of Commons, 1831 ; Clerk of the House, 1871-86 ; author of ‘A Treatise on the Law, Privileges, and Proceedings of Parliament,’ ‘Constitutional History of England since the Accession of George III.,’ ‘The Machinery of Parliamentary Legislation.’
FARR, William, C. B., M. D., D. C. L., F. R. S. ; medical statistician; Assistant Census Commissioner, 1851-81 ; author of’'Statistical Nosology,’ ‘Reports on Public Health and Causes of Death,’ ‘Report on the Mortality of Cholera,’ ‘Vital Statistics,’ etc.
FARRAR, Very Rev. Frederic William, D.D., F.R.S. ; Dean of Canterbury; Hulsean Lecturer, Cambridge, 1870; Bampton Lecturer, Oxford, 1885 ; Chaplain to the Speaker of the House of Commons, 1890-95; author of ‘The Life of Christ,’ ‘The Life of St Paul,’ ‘The Early Days of Christianity,’ ‘Darkness and Dawn,’ ‘The Bible, its Meauing and Supremacy,’ etc.
FAUNCE W. H. P., A.M., D.D.; President of Brown University, Providence, R.I.
FAUR, G., of the Egyptian Hall, London.
FAUSSETT, Thomas Godfrey G., M.A.; Fellow of Corpus Christi Coll., Oxford; District Registrar of Court of Probate, Canterbury, from 1871 to death; author of articles on antiquity and archaeology, part--author of ‘History of Kent’ for the Kent Archaeological Society.
FAWCETT, Mrs. Millicent Garrett Hon. LL.D. ; author of ‘Political Economy for Beginners,’ of ‘Some Eminent Women of our Time,’ ‘Tales in Political Economy.’
FELKIN, R. W.; formerly Consulting Physician, British Tropical Africa Co. ; author of ‘Geographical Distribution of Tropical Diseas’; joint-author of ‘Uganda and the Egyptian Soudan,’ and of many articles on medical subjects, in various journals.
FENNELL, Charles Augustus Maude , Litt.D.; translated ‘Ancient Marbles in Great Britain,’ from the German of Adolf Michaelis.
FERGUSON, George, LL.D. ; late Professor of Humanity, Univ. of Aberdeen; author of editions of Cicero and Ovid.
FERGUSON, John, LL.D.; Professor of Chemistry in Glasgow Univ. from 1874; author of papers on the history of chemistry.
FERGUSON, J. ; editor of the ‘Ceylon Observer,’ ‘Tropical Agriculturist,’ etc. ; author of ‘Handbook to Ceylon,’ manuals on Coffee, Tea, Gold, Gems, etc.
FERGUSON, Sir Samuel LL D., Q.C.; Irish poet and Celtic scholar; Deputy keeper of the Irish Rolls, 1867; author of ‘Congal, a Poem in Five Books,’ ‘The Forging of the Anchor.’
FERGUSON, Rev. Wm. ; Minister of the Presbyterian Church, Barrow-in-Furness.
FERRER0, Baron Augusto ; editor of ‘La Tribuna,’ Rome; author of ‘Nostalgie d’Amore’; edited ‘From Florence to Rome: A Political Diary of 1870-7l,’ etc.
FERRIER, J. Walter; translated ‘George Eliot and Judaism,’ from the German of Kaufmann; author of ‘Mottiscliffe.’
FFOULKES, C. Jocelyn; translator of Morelli’s ‘Italian Painters,’ etc.
FFOULKES, His Hon. Judge William Wynne; County Court Judge, 1875-99.
FIDLER, H.; Civil Engineer; Head of Technical Staff, Department. of Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty ; editor of ‘A Manual of Construction,’ etc.
FIELD, Capt. A. Mostyn, R N ; F.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., F.R.Met.S. ; has worked of the Hydrographic Survey in various parts of the world.
FILON, Pierre Marie Augustin; agrégé-és-lettres ; literary editor of the ‘Revue Bleue’ ; author of'Le Mariage de Londres,’ ‘Histoire de la Littérature Anglais,’ ‘English Profiles,’ etc.
FINDLAY, J. R.; part-owner and editor of the ‘Scotsman’; presented the Scottish National Portrait Gallery to the nation; secretary to the Soc. of Anti-quaries; author of ‘Personal Recollections of De Quincey.’
FISHER, Alexander; teacher and specialist in the art of enamelling; author of technical articles in the ‘Magazine of Art,’ the ‘Studio,’ etc.
FISHER, The Rev. George Park, D D., LL.D.; ‘Professor of Ecclesiastical History, Yale; author of ‘The Reformation,’ ‘History of the Christian Church,’ The Colonial Era,’ etc.
FISHER, W. E. Garrett, M.A.; author of ‘The Transvaal and the Boers.’
FISKE, John, LL.D.; author of ‘Discovery of America,’ ‘American Revolution,’ ‘The Mississippi Valley in the Civil War,’ ‘Cosmic Philosophy,’ etc.
FITCH, Charles H.; in charge of the Indian Territory Section, U.S. Geological Survey.
FITCH, Sir Joshua Girling, M.A., LL.D. ; Chief Inspector of Training Colleges, retired 1894; H.M. Inspector of Schools, 1863; Chevalier of the Legion of Honour; author of ‘Lectures on Teaching,’ ‘The Arnolds and their Influence on English Education,’ ‘Educational Aims and Methods.’
FITZGERALD, Vice-Adml. Charles Cooper Penrose; Superintendent, Pembroke Dockyard; second in command of the China Station, 1898--1899; author of ‘Boat Sailing,’ ‘Life of Sir George Tryon.’
FITZGERALD, J. D. ; Barrister-at-Law of N.S.W.; .journalist; Alderman of the Corporation of the City of Sydney.
FITZGERALD, Percy Hetherington, M.A.; Barrister; author of ‘Charles Lamb, his Friends, his Haunts, and his Books,’ ‘Life of David Garrick,’ ‘Life of Laurence Sterne,’ ‘Life and Adventures of Alexandre Dumas,’ etc.
FITZMAURICE-KELLY, James; correspond-ing member of the Spanish Academy; author of ‘A History of Spanish Literature,’ ‘The Life of Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra,’ etc.
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