FÜHRER, Alois Anton, Ph.D.; author of Dar-stellung der Lehre von deu Schriften in Brihaspatis Dharmaçastra.
FULTON, Robert Burwell, A.M., LL.D; Chancellor of the University of Mississippi.
FYFE, H. Hamilton; author of A Players Tragedy, etc.
FYFFE, Charles Alan, M.A.; Barrister-at-Law; war correspondent to Daily News in Franco-German War, 1870-71 ; author of History of Greece, A History of Modern Europe, The Land Question.
GADOW, Hans Friedrich, Ph.D., M.A., F.R.S.; Strickland Curator and Lecturer on Zoology, Cain-bridge; British Museum, Natural History Depart-ment, 1880-82 ; author of In Northern Spain, A Classification of Vertebrata, Amphibia and Reptiles, and papers in scientific periodicals.
GAIRDNER, James, C.B., LL.D.; Clerk in Public Records Rice; Assistant-Keeper Public Records from 1859; edited the Paston Letters, and many English annalists ; author of a Life of Richard III., Studies in English History.
GALLÉE, Johann Hendrik, Ph.D.; Professor of Comparative Philology and Teutonic Languages, University of Utrecht ; President of the Philological Society, Utrecht; author of Altsächsische Sprach-denkmäler.
GALLOWAY, Thomas., M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S.; Actuary to the Amicable Life Assurance Company of London, 1833-51 ; author of articles on astronomy and mathematics in scientific journals.
GALLWEY, Commander Edwin J. P., R.N.
GALLWEY, Lt.-Col. Henry Lionel, C.M.G., D.S.O.; Deputy Commissioner and Cousul, Niger Coast Protectorate; Acting, Consul-General, Oil Rivers Protectorate, 1896-98; served in Benin Expedition, 1897, etc.
GALTON, Sir Douglas, K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. ; Assistant Under-Secretary of State for War, 1862-70; Director of Public Works and Buildings in H.M. Works, 1870-75; President of British Association, 1895-96; author of Healthy Dwellings, General Principles for the Construction of Hos-pitals.
GAMBLE, F. W., editor of Junior Course of Practical Zoology, Flatworms and Mesozoa, etc.
GAMGEE, Arthur, M.D., F.R.S.; Emeritus Pro-fessor of Physiology, Owens Coll., Manchester; Ful-lerian Professor of Physiology, Royal Inst. of Great Britain; Assistant Physician and Lecturer on Materia Modica, St. Georges Hospital, London; translated and edited Hermanns Human Physiology; author of Text-Book of the Physiological Chemistry of the Animal Body.
GANNETT, Henry; Chief Geographer, U.S. Geo-logical Survey; Chief Geographer, 10th, 11th, and 12th U.S. Censuses; author of Dictionary of Alti-tudes, Statistical Atlas of the U.S., etc.
GARCKE, Emile, M.I.E.E., F.S.S.; Manager of the Brush Electrical Engineering Co. ; Chairman Elect, Sect. London Chamber of Commeree, 1884-88; author of Manual of Electrical Undertakings, joint-author of Factory Accounts.
GARDINER, Samuel Rawson, M.A., D.C.L., LL. U., Ph. D. ; late Fellow of All Souls and of Merton Coll., Oxford.; formerly Professor of Modern History at Kings Coll., London; author of History of the Great Civil War, Students History of England, and other historical works.
GARDNER, Ernest Arthur; Yates Professor of Archaeology, University College, London; Director of British School of Archaeology at Athens, 1887-95; author of Handbook of Greek Sculpture, Journal of Hellenic Studies; joint-editor of the Journal of Hellenic Studies since 1897.
GARDNER, J. Starkie; English iron-worker and expert; author of English Enamels, Iron-work, Armour in England, etc.
GARDNER, Percy, Litt.D., F.S.A.; Lincoln and Merton Professor of Classical Archaeology, Oxford University; Assistant at British Museum, 1871; Fellow of Christs College, Cambridge, 1872; Disney Professor of Archaeology, Cambridge, 1880; editor of Journal of Hellenic Studies; author of The Parthian Coinage, Sainos and Samian Coins, Types of Greek Coins, Numismatic Commentary on Pausanias,Sculptured Tombs or Hellas, etc.
GARNETT, Richard, LL.D., C.B.; Assistant in Library of British Museum, 1851 ; Superintendent of Reading Room, 1875 ; Keeper of Printed Books, 1890--1899; edited the British Museum Catalogue from 1881 to 1890; author of Relics of Shelley, Twilight of the Gods, Life of Milton,Age of Dryden, William Blake, A History of Italian Literature, Life of Edward Gibbon Wakefield, etc.
GARNETT, William, M.A., D.C. L. ; Sec. Technical Education Board, London County Council; Demonstrator in Physics, Cambridge; Prof. ofMath., Physics, aud Mechanics, University Coll., Nottingham; Prin-cipal, Durham Coll. of Science, Newcastle-upon-Tyne; author of Elemeutary Dynamics, Elementary Mechanics, etc.
GARRAN. The Hon. Andrew, M.A. (London), LL.D. ; Member of Legislative Council, N.S.W., 1887-92 and 1895 ; editor of South Australian Register, 1853-56 ; Sydney Morning Herald, 1856-85; President of Council of Arbitration, 1892-94 ; and of Royal Commission on Strikes, 1891.
GARSTANG, Walter, M.A., F.Z.S.; late Fellow of Lincoln Coll., Oxford; Naturalist in charge of Fishery Investigations, Marine Biol. Assoc.; delegate of.H.M. Govt. to Internat. Conf. on Exploration of the Sea, Christiania, 1901; medallist of the SociétéCentrale dAgriculture et de Pêche, Paris; author of numerous memoirs on marine biology, etc.
GASQUET, J. Raymond, M.B.; author of various articles in the Journal of Mental Science, etc.
GATES, Lewis Edwards, A.B.; Assistant Pro-fessor of English, Harvard University ; author of Selections from Jeffrey, Selections from Newman, Three Studies in Literature.
GAY, Sidney Howard; edited the Anti-Slavery Standard, the New York Tribune ; part-author of History of the United States; author of Life of James Madison.
GEDDES, Patrick; Professor of Botany, Univ. Coll., Dundee ; formerly Lecturer on Natural History in School of Medicine, Edinburgh; part-author of Evolution of Sex; author of Chapters in Modern Botany.
GEDDES, William Duguid, LL.D. ; Professor of Greek, Aberdeen University, 1855; Principal and Vice-Chancellor, 1885 ; author of The Philologic Uses of the Celtic Tongue, The Problem of the Homeric Poems.
GEDDIE, John; on the editorial staff of the Scots-mail, Edinburgh; author of The Water of Leith, etc.
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