JERVISE, Andrew;. antiquarian; Examiner of Registers under the Registration Act of 1854; author of Sketches of the History and Traditions of Glenesk, Memorials of Angus and the Mearns.
JERVIS-SMITH, Rev. Frederick J., M.A., F.R.S. ; University Lecturer in Mechanics; Millard Lecturer, Trinity College, Oxford; Member of Com. on Explosions, Home Office, 1895-96; received Medal French Exhibition for Dynamometer.
JEUNE, Rt. Hon. Sir Francis Henry, G. C. B. ; appointed a Judge of the High Court, 1891 President of Probate, Divorce, and Admiralty Division; Judge-Advocate-Gen., 1892.
JEUNE, The Hon. Lady; contributor to leading reviews and magazines ; author of Lesser Questions, etc.
JEVONS, William Stanley, F. R.S. ; Professor of Logic, Political Economy, and Mental Philosophy, Owens Coll., Manchester, 1866; Professor of Political Economy at Univ. Coll., London, 1876; author of Pure Logic, Elementary Lessons in Logic, Investigations in Currency and Finance.
JEWILL, E.; Torpoint, Cornwall.
JOHNSON Charles Pierpoint; Professor of Botany, Guys Hospital, 1830-73; collaborated with J. A. Sowerby in The Ferns of Great Britain.
JOHNSON James Yate; zoologist; author of Handbook to Madeira.
JOHNSON, John Henry; part-author of The Patentees Manual, and other works on the law relating to patents and trade marks.
JOHNSON, Oliver; one of the founders of the New England Anti-Slavery Soc. ; edited The Weekly Tribune, The Orange Journal ; author of William Lloyd Garrison and His Times.
JOHNSTON, Alexander; Professor of Juris-prudence and Political Economy at Princeton Coll., New Jersey; author of A History of American Politics, The Genesis of a New England State, The United States: its History and Constitution.
JOHNSTON, Alexander Keith, F.R.G.S.; Assistant-Curator, Royal Geog. Soc., 1872-73; con-ducted expedition to Lake Nyassa, 1878; author of Africa in Stanfords Compendium, and other geographical works.
JOHNSTON, Sir Harry Hamilton, G.C.M.G., K.C.B.; Special Commissioner, Commander-in-Chief and Consul-General for Uganda Protectorate; explored Portuguese West Africa and River Congo, 1882-83; commanded Scientific Expedition of Royal Society to Mt. Kilimanjaro,1884; H.M. Vice-Consul in Cameroons, 1885 ; Consul for province of Mozambique, 1888; founded the British Central Africa Protectorate, 1889; author of River Congo, Kilimanjaro, History of a Slave, Life of Livingstone, British Central Africa, etc.
JOHNSTON, John, M.A.; banker; twice President of Chamber of Commerce Milwaukee; President of State Historical Society of Wisconsin.
JONES, Henry (Cavendish), M.R.C.S.; author of The Laws and Principles of Whist, by Cavendish; and of guides to croquet, bézique, euchre, and other games.
JORDAN, David Starr, Ph.D., LL.D.; President of Leland Stanford Junior University; sometime Assistant to the U.S. Fish Commission ; Professor of Zoology, and President of Indiana University; Com-missioner and Expert for the United States to in-vestigate the Fur Seal Question, 1896-97; author of Vertebrate Animals of Northern U.S., Fisheries of North and Middle America, Factors of Organic Evolution, etc.
JORDAN, Richard; Draughts Champion of Scotland, 1896, and of the World since 1896.
JORDAN, William Leighton, F.R.G.S. ; author of The Argentine Republic: a Descriptive and Historical Sketch, The Ocean : its Tides, Currents, and their Causes, etc.
JUDSON, Harry Pratt, A.M., LL.D. ; Professor of Political Science, and Dean of the Faculties of Arts, Science, and Literature, University of Chicago; author of Europe in the Nineteenth Century, Growth of the American Nation, etc.
JÜLG, Bernhard; formerly of the University of Innsbrück; author of Collection of Mongolian Folk Tales, Über Wesen and Aufgabe der Sprachwissen-schaft.
JUNG, Emil, Ph.D., Leipsic.
KALTBRUNNER, D. ; author of Aide-Mémoire du Voyageur, Manuel du Voyageur.
KAN, C. M. ; Professor of Geography, University of Amsterdam ; author of A History of Discoveries in the Indian Archipelago; editor The International Colonial Review, etc.
KARAGEORGEVITCH, Bojidar, Prince; artist and art critic.
KAY., David, F.R.G.S. ; author of Austria-Hungary, in the Foreign Countries and British Colonies Series.
KEANE, Augustus Henry, F.R.G.S.; Emeritus Professor of Hindustani, Univ. Coll., London; late Vice-President, Anthrop. Institute; author of Stan-fords Asia, Africa, Ethnology, Man, Past and Present, etc.
KEITH -FALCONER, Hon. Ian Grant Neville, M.A. ; Lord Almoners Professor of Arabic at Cambridge, 1886-87 ; Free Church Missionary to Arabia.
KELLAND, Philip, M.A., P.R.S., F.R.S.E. ; Pro-fessor of Mathematics in the Univ. of Edinburgh ; author of Algebra: a Complete and Easy Introduc-tion to Analytical Science, Introduction to Quarternions.
KELLY, Lieut. J. D. Jerrold; United States Navy.
KELSEY, C. H.; President of the Title Guaranty and Trust Company, New York.
KELTIE, John Scott, LL.D., F.S.S., F.S.A. (Scot.); Secretary, Royal Geog. Soc. ; Knight of Swedish Order of North Star, 1898; Hon. Memb. Geographical Societies of Paris, Berlin, Rome, etc. ; formerly sub-editor of Nature; Librarian R.G.S., 1885; President of the Geographical Section, Brit. Ass., 1897 ; author of History of Scottish Highlands and Clans, Applied Geography, The Partition of Africa ; editor of Statesmans Year Book since 1880; editor of the Geographical Journal.
KELVIN, Rt. Hon. Lord (Sir William Thomson), G.C.V.O., M.A., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.; Fellow of St Peters College, Cambridge; Foreign Associate of the French Academy; President of the Royal Society, 1890-95; Professor of Natural Philosophy, Glasgow University, 1876-99; author of Electrostatics and Magnetism, Tables for facilitating Sumners method at Sea, Elasticity, and many papers on mathemati-cal and physical subjects.
KEMPE, Harry Robert, A.M.I.C.E., M.I.E.E.; principal technical officer, Postal Telegraph Dept., England; author of Handbook of Electrical Testing, The Electrical Engineers Pocket Book.
KENNA, Senator John Edward; Chairman of the U.S. Monetary Commission.
KENNEDY, Alexander Blackie William, LL.D., M. Inst.C.E., F.R.S.; Professor of Engineering in Univ. Coll., London, 1874-89 ; chief engineer to the Westminster Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd.; joint engineer to the Waterloo and City Ry. ; engineer to L.C.C. for electric tramways translated Reu-teauxs Theoretische Kinematik ; author of The Mechanics of Machinery.
KENNEDY, Sir Charles Malcolm, K.C.M.G., C.B. ; Head of Commercial Department, Foreign Office, 1872-93; Lecturer on International Law, Univ. Coll., Bristol; Commissioner in he Levant, 1870-71 ; at Paris, 1872-86; Plenipotentiary, Treaty of The Hague, 1882 ; author of Kennedys Ethnological and Linguistic Essays; edited Diplomacy and Inter-national Law.
KENNEDY, The Hon, Sir William Rann; Judge of the Kings Bench Division of the High Court of Justice ; sometime Fellow of Pembroke Coll., Cambridge.
KENT, William Charles Mark ; Barrister of the Middle Temple ; edited the London Sun for 25 years, the Weekly Register 1874-81 ; author of Dark Ages, by an Oscotian, The Humour and Pathos of Charles Dickens, etc.
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