LLOYD, Lt.-Col. E. M., R.E.; author of Vauban, Montalembert, Carnot : Engineer Studies, etc.
LLOYD, Henry Demarest, author of Wealth against Commonwealth, Labor Copartnership, etc.
LOCH, Charles Stewart, B.A.; Secretary to the Council of the London Charity Organization Society since 1875; Member of the Royal Commission on Aged Poor, 1893-95; Dunkin Trust Lecturer, Manchester College, Oxford, 1896; Vice-President, Royal Statis-tical Society, 1894, 1895, 1897, 1901 ; author of Charity Organization, Old Age Pensions and Pauperism.
LOCKHART, Rev. William ; joined John Henry Newman at Littlemore, 1842; became Procurator--General of the Order of Charity; Rector of St Etheldredas, Holborn, 1876-92; author of Life of Antonio Rosmini-Serbati, Cardinal Newman: a Reminiscence of Fifty Years.
LOCKYER, Sir Joseph Norman, K.C.B., F.R.S. ; Director of Solar Physics Observatory, South Kensington; Rode Lecturer at Cambridge, 1871; in charge of Eng. Govt. Eclipse Expeditions, 1870, 1871, 1882, etc. ; author of Chemistry of the Sun, Studies in Spectrum Analysis, Recent and Coming Eclipses.
LOCOCK, Col. Herbert, C.B.; retired Colonel of Royal Engineers; Assist.-Director of Works at Headquarters, 1881-86 ; Deputy-Inspector- General of Fortifications at Headquarters, 1887-96.
LODGE, Henry Cabot, LL.D., Ph.D.; Member of Congress, 1887-93; U.S. Senator; author of Essays on Anglo-Saxon Land Law, Certain Accepted Heroes, The Story of the American Revolution, Ballads and Lyrics, Story of the Spanish War, etc.
LODGE, Sir Oliver Joseph, D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S.; Principal of the University of Birmingham; Professor of Physics, University Coll., Liverpool, 1881-1900; author of Elementary Mechanics, Modern Views of Electricity, Pioneers of Science, Signalling without Wires, etc.
LODGE, Richard, M.A.; Professor of History, Edinburgh, froin 1899 ; Fellow and Lecturer of Brase-nose College, Oxford, 1878 ; first Professor of History, Glasgow University, 1894-99; author of Students Modern Europe, The Close of the Middle Ages.
LOMAS, John; author of Sketches in Spain from Nature, Art, and Life.
LONGMORE, Surgeon-General Sir Thomas, C.B., F.R.C.S.E.; served in the Crimea; late Hon. Surgeon to Queen Victoria; author of Treatise on Gunshot Wounds, Treatise on Ambulances, Sani-tary Condition of the British and French Armies in the Crimea.
LONIE, A. C. Oughter: Kinghorn, Fife.
LORD, J. K.; Professor of the Latin Language and Literature, Dartmouth College, N.H.
LOUIS. Prof. Henry; Professor of Moderm History, the Durham College of Science, Newcastle-upon--Tyne, England; author of A Handbook of Gold Milling,etc.
LOUIS, Paul ; French statistician ; on staff of the Revue Blanche.
LOVE, Augustus E. H., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.; Sedleian Professor of Natural Philosophy, Oxford, from 1899 ; sometime Fellow of St Johns Coll., Camb.; University Lecturer in Mathematics.
LOW, A. P.; of the Geological Survey of Canada; author of Report on the Exploration in the Labrador Peninsula, etc.
LOW, George M., F.F.A.; Manager of the Ebin-burgh Life Assurance Company.
LOW, Hon. Seth, LL. D. ; Mayor of New York City; formerly President of Columbia University; Mayor of Brooklyn, 1881-85 ; President of the Archaeological Institution of America.
LOW, Sidney James, M.A., L.C.C.; Lecturer on History, Kings College, London, 1883-86; editor of the St Jamess Gazette, 1888-97; co-editor of the Dictionary of English History, etc.
LOWE, Major F. M., R.A.; Assist. Proof Officer Royal Gun Factory, 1885; Assist.-Inspector, Army Inspection Dept., 1888 ; Gunnery Instructor, Brit. N. America, 1893; Gunnery Instructor, Coast Defence School, Isle of Wight, 1894; and Assistant Super-intendent of Experiments at Shoeburyness from 1898.
LOWELL, Hon. John; endowed a course of free lectures on religion, science, and the arts, delivered in the Lowell Institute, Boston, Mass.
LUARD, Rev. Henry Richard, M.A., D.D.; Registrar to the University of Cambridge, 1862-91
Director of the restoration of Gt. St Marys, Cam-bridge, of which he was Vicar, 1860-87 ; edited Lives of Edward the Confessor, Roberti Grossteste Epistolae and other mediaeval works for the Master of the Rolls Series.
LUGARD, Brig.-Gen. Sir Frederick John Dealtry, K.C.M.G., C.B., D.S.O.; High Commissioner of Northern Nigeria; served Afghan War, 1879-80; Soudan Campaign, 1885; Burma Campaign, 1886-87 ; Administrator of Uganda, 1889-92 ; employed by Royal Niger Company, 1894-95; H.M. Commis-sioner, Hinterland of Nigeria and Lagos, 1897-99; Commandant of West African Frontier Force, 1897--1899; author of Our East African Empire.
LUMBY, Rev. Joseph Rawson, D.D.; Fellow and Lecturer of Magdalene College, Cambridge; one of the founders of the Early English Text Society; edited for the Pitt Press, Bacons Life of Henry VII., Mores Utopia, and Books III. and IV. of Bedas Ecclesiastical History; edited the Cambridge Companion to the Bible.
LUMMIS, Charles Fletcher ; editor of the Land of Sunstine magazine, Los Angeles, California; author of The Right Hand of the Continent (Cali-fornia); formerly editor of the Los Angeles Daily Times.
LUNGE, George , Ph.D.; Professor of Technical Chemistry at the Polytechnic, Zürich; author of Acid and Alkali Manufacture, etc.
LUSHINGTON, Sir Franklin, M.A.; formerly Chief Police. Magistrate for London ; author of Wagers of Battle.
LYALL, The Right Hon. Sir Alfred Comyn, P.C., K.C.B., G.C.I.E., D.C.L., LL.D. ; Member of Council of Secretary of State for India from 1888 ; Lieut.-Gov. North-West Provinces, India, 1882-87; author of British Dominion in India, Asiatic Studies, Life of Warren Hastings.
LYALL, Sir Charles James C.I.E., K.C.S.I., M.A., LL.D.; Secretary to the Judicial and Public Dept., India Office, from 1898; Secretary to the Govt. of India in the Home Dept., 1889-94; Chief Commissioner in Assam, 1894, in the Central Provinces, 1895-98; author of Translations of Ancient Arabic Poetry, an edition of Ten Arabic Poems.
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