MASKELYNE, J. Nevil; of the Egyptian Hall, London ; author of Sharps and Flats.
MASON, Otis Tufton, A.M., Ph.D.; Curator of Ethnological Department, U.S. Nat. Museum, Wash-ington; author of The Hupa Indians, Womans Share in Primitive Culture, Cradles of the North American Indians,etc.
MASSON, David,, LL.D., Litt.D.; Historiographer Royal for Scotland from 1893 ; Professor of Rhetoric and English Literature in Edinburgh Univ., 1865-95; Professor of Eng. Lit. in Univ. Coll., London, 1853--1865; edited Macmillans Magazine, 1858-65 ; author of Life of Milton, De Quincey, in English Men of Letters Series, Drummond of Hawthornden.
MASSON, David Orme, M.A., D.Sc.; Professor of Chemistry, Melbourne Univ., from 1886.; acted as assistant to Prof. Ramsay, Bristol, 1880; author of papers on chemistry in the transactions of various learned societies.
MASSON, Flora, Edinburgh; author of Edinburgh Past and Present.
MASSON, John, M.A.; author of The Atomic Theory of Lucretius.
MASTERS, Maxwell T., M.D., F.R.S.; editor of Gardeners Chronicle; formerly Lecturer on Botany, St Georges Hospital, London; author of Plant Life, Botany for Beginners, and numerous mono-graphs in botanical works.
MATHEWS, George Ballard, M.A., F.R.S.; formerly Professor of Mathematics, University Coll. of Wales; sometime Fellow of St Johns Coll., Cambridge ; part-author of A Treatise on Bessel Functions; author of Theory of Numbers,' etc.
MATTHEWS, Brander, A.M., LL.B., D.C.L.; Professor of English, Columbia University; author of French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century, Introduction to the Study of American Literature, etc.
MATTHEWS, George Edward, A.B.; editor of The Buffalo Express, Buffalo, N.Y.
MATTHEWS, H. J.; Brighton.
MAUNOIR, Charles Jean; Secretary of the Geographical Society of Paris from 1867 ; author of many papers on geographical subjects.
MAURICE, Maj.-Gen. Sir John Frederick, K.C.B.; commanded Woolwich District, 1895-1901; served in Ashanti Campaign, 1873-74; South Africa, 1879; Zulu Campaign, 1880; Egyptian Expedition, 1882; Intelligence Dept. War Office; Sudan, 1884; the Nile, 1885; Professor of Military History, Staff College, Aldershot, 1892-93; author of Life of Frederick Denison Maurice, Hostilities without Declaration of War, Balance of Military Power in Europe, War, National Defences.
MAUS, Octave ; editor of LArt Moderne, Brussels.
MAW, Arthur; Trowbridge, Salop.
MAW, George; Benthall Hall, Brosely, Salop.
MAXWELL, C. C.; author of History of Dundee.
MAXWELL, James Clerk, D.C.L., F.R.S.; Fellow of Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1885 ; Professor of Natural Philosophy at Kings Coll., London, 1860-1865; Professor of Experimental Physics, Univ. of Cambridge, 1871-79; author of papers On Faradays
Lines of Force, On the Dynamical Theory of Gases, On a Dynamical Theory of the Electromagnetic Field.
MAXWELL, William H., A.M.I.C.E.; Borough and Waterworks Engineer, Tunbridge Wells Cor-poration; author of The Removal and Disposal of Town Refuse, Destructors and Steam Production, etc.
MAY, Sir Thomas Erskine: see Farnborough, Lord.
MAYO-SMITH, Richmond. Ph.D.; Professor of Political Economy, Columbia University, New York; author of Emigration and Immigration, Sociology and Statistics, etc.
MEAD, Hon. Elwood: in charge of Irrigation In-vestigations, U.S. Department of Agriculture.
MEAKIN, Budgett; author of The Moors, The Land of the Moors, The Moorish Empire, etc.
MEDILL, Joseph; edited the Chicago Tribune; Mayor of Chicago, 1871 ; member of the first U.S. Civil Service Commission, 1871.
MEIKLEJORN, Rev. D.; Lochgoilhead.
MEIRLEJOHN, John M. D., M.A.; Professor of the Theory, History, and Practice of Education, St Andrews Univ., 1876-1902; served on Endowed Schools Commission for Scotland, 1874; translated Kants Kritik der reinen Vernunft; author of An Old Educational Reformer (a life of Dr. Bell).
MEISSAS, Gaston; memb. Société de Géographie; author of Grands Voyageurs de notre Siécle, etc.
MELDOLA, Raphael, F.R.S. ; Professor of Chemistry in Finsbury Technical Coll.; in charge of British Eclipse Expedition to Nicobar Islands, 1875; scientific chemist in coal-tar dyes; Examiner in Nat. Sci. Tripos, Cambridge Univ., 1896-97 : translated Weismanns Studies in the Theory of Descent ; author of Chemistry of Photography, Coal and what we get from it.
MELVEN, William; Hillhead, Glasgow.
MENTEATH, P. W. Stuart; Paris.
MENZIES, Rev. Allen, D ; Professor of Divinity and Biblical Criticism, St. Marys Coll., St Andrews, from 1889 ; translated Baurs First Three Centuries of Christianity; author of a History of Religion.
MENZIES, R. C.; Inveresk Paper Mills, Mussel-burgh.
MERCATELLI, Luigi; late war correspondent in Abyssinia of La Tribuna.
MERIVALE, Very Rev. Charles, D.D., D.C.L.; late Dean of Ely; formerly Tutor and Fellow of St Johns Coll., Camb.; author of History of the Romans under the Empire, Conversion of the Northern Nations, General History of Rome.
MERRIFIELD, Webster, LL.D.; President and Professor of Political Economy, State University of North Dakota.
MERRILL, Hon. Frederick James Hamilton, Ph.D. ; Directorof N.Y. State Museum, Albany, N.Y., N.Y. State Geologist, etc.
MERZ, J. Theodore ; author of Leibnitz, in Philosophical Classics for English Readers.
MEYER, Marie Paul Hyacinthe; Professor of the Languages and Literature of Southern Europe at the Collége de France, 1876; Director of the Ecole des Chartes, 1882; has edited many rare Provençal MSS. ; author of Mémoire sur les Dialectes de la Langue dOc au Moyen - Age,
Alexandre le Grand dans la Littérature Française du Moyen-Age.
MICHAEL, Albert Davidson, F.L.S., F.Z.S.; late Vice-President of the Royal Microscopical Soc., and of the Linnaean Soc. ; author of numerous papers on the Acarina and on microscopical subjects in the journals of various scientific societies.
MICOU, R. W.; Waterbury, Connecticut.
MIDDLETON, John Henry, M.A., Litt.D., D.C.L. ; Slade Professor of Fine Art in the Univ. of Cambridge, 1866 ; later, Art Director of the South Kensington Museum; author of The Engraved Gems of Classical Times, Illuminated Manuscripts in Classical and Mediaeval Times.
MIDDLETON, R. E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E.; Fellow of the Sanitary Inst., Fellow of Surveyors Inst., etc. ; formerly Engineer in Charge of Surveying of Forth Bridge; Instructor in Surveying, Central Tech. Coll., S. Kensington; Lecturer on Waterworks, Engineering and Sewage, Univ. Coll., London ; part--author of A Treatise on Surveying, etc.
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