NOTTER, Col. J. Lane, M.A., M.D.; of the Royal Army Med. Corps; late Prof. of Military Hygiene, Netley; author of The Theory and Practice of Hygiene,etc.
NUGENT, Col. Sir Charles Butler Peter Hodges, K.C.B., R.E.; served in Crimean War, 1854-55; commanded the Royal Engineers in Egypt, 1882.
NYS, Ernest; Professor of International Law, Univ. of Brussels; author of Les Origines du Droit Inter-national, and other works on the same subject.
NYSTRÖM, Johan Fredrik; Professor of Geo-graphy, Univ. of Upsala; formerly Professor of Statistics.
OCONNOR, J. D. A.; author of History of Turkey.
ODONOGHUE, Freeman M., F.S.A.; Assistant Keeper of Prints, British Museum; author of Cata-logue of the Collection of Playing Cards bequeathed to the British Museum by Lady Charlotte Schneber, A Descriptive and Classified Catalogue of the Portraits of Queen Elizabeth, etc.
ODOWD, Sir James Cornelius, Kt., C.B., D.L.; Barrister; Army Purchase Commissioner from 1871; Professor of Law at the Staff College from 1896; Deputy Judge Advocate-General of the Army, 1869-99 ; formerly part-proprietor and editor of the Army and Navy Gazette; author of a work on courts martial.
OELSNER, Herman, M.A., Ph.D.; recognized Inter-collegiate Lecturer in Romance in the University of Cambridge; author of The Influence of Dante on Modern Thought, Dante in France; editor of the Commedia in the Temple Classics, etc. ; History of Provençal Literature (in progress) for Mr Gosses Literatures of the World Series, etc.
OHLSON, J , L. ; late Secretary of the West India Committee, London.
OLDFIELD, Josiah, D.C.L., M.R.C.S.; founded the Humanitarian Hospital of St Francis, and the Society for the Abolition of Capital Punishment; author of The Claims of Common Life, Butchery and its Horrors, etc.
OLLIER, Edmund; edited the London Review, 1874-776 ; author of Cassells History of the United States, Cassells Illustrated Universal History.
OMEARA, Rev. Eugene Henry, M.A.; Vicar of Tallaght, co. Dublin, from 1887.
ONEILL, Aeneas; Assistant Correspondent of The Times, Vienna.
ONEILL, Charles; author of The Chemistry of Calico Printing, Dyeing, and Bleaching; edited The Textile Colourist.
ORDE-BROWNE, Capt. C. -, formerly military editor of the Engineer and the Naval Annual; Capt. Instructor in Royal Laboratory, Woolwich ; author of Armour and its Attack by Artillery, Short Notes on Field Batteries, Ammunition for Rifled Ordnance, etc.
ORELLI, Aloys von; formerly Professor of Law, Univ. of Zurich; author of The Jury in France and England, Das Staatsrecht der Schweizerischen Eidgenossenschaft.
ORTON, Edward, LL.D., Ph.D.; State Geologist of Ohio from 1869; Professor of Geology, Ohio State Unir., from 1873; President of the Geological Soc. of America, 1897 ; part-author of Geology of Ohio.
OTTÉ, Élise C. ; joint-translator of Humbolds Cosmos and Views of Nature; author of Scandi-navian History, and of Danish and Swedish grammars.
OUSELEY, Rev. J. Gideon Jasper; anthor of The Construction of Ecclesiastical Buildings, The Ritual of the Sacraments, etc.
ÖVERLAND, O. Andreas, Assistant-Keeper of the Rigsarchiv, Christiania.
OVERTON, Rev. Canon John Henry, M.A., D.D.; Rural Dean of Axholme, 1893-98; Birkbeck Lecturer in Ecclesiastical History at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1902-03 ; author of Evangelical Revival in the 18th Century, John Wesley, in the Religious Leaders Series.
OWEN, Capt. C. R. B., R.A. ; late Professor of Artillery, Ordnance College; Assist. Superintendent, Roy. Carriage Dept., Woolwich Arsenal.
OWEN, Edmund, M B., F.R.C.S.; Senior Surgeon to St Marys Hospital, London;. Consulting Surgeon to the Childrens Hospital, Great Ormond Street; Mem-ber of the Council of Royal College of Surgeons; Ex-aminer in Surgery at the Universities or Cambridge and of London, etc.; late President of the Medical Society of London ; author or A Manual of Anatomy for Senior Students, The Surgical Diseases of Children.
OWEN, Sir Richard. K.C.B., LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S.; Professor of Comparative Anatomy at St Bartholomews Hospital, 1834; Hunterian Professor on same subject at the Royal Coll. of Surgeon. 1836; Super-intendent of the Natural History Dept. of the Brit. Mus., 1856; contributed numerous papers in the transactions of various scientific societies.
PAGET, Sir John R., Bart., K.C., LL.B.; Gilbart Lecturer on Banking.
PAGET, Stephen, F.R.C.S.; Surgeon to West Lon-don Hospital; Surgeon toThroat and Ear Depart-ment, Middlesex Hospital ; author of The Surgery of the Chest. John Hunter, Experiments on Animals, Memoirs and Letters of Sir James Paget.
PALEY, Frederick Apthrop, LL.D.; Professor of Classical Literature at the Roman Catholic Coll., Kensington; Examiner in Classics for London Univ., and for the Cambridge Tripos; author of prose translations of the odes of Pindar and the tragedies of Aeschylus, also of renderings in verse entitled Frag-ments of the Greek Comic Poets.
PALGRAVE, Robert Harry Inglis, F.R.S.; editor of Economist, 1877-83 ; author of The Local Taxation of Great Britain and Ireland, An Analysis of the Transactions of the Bank of England for the years 1844-72, etc. ; editor of Dictionary of Political Economy.
PALGRAVE, William Gifford, B.A.; missionary in Syria for the Society of Jesus; penetrated Central Arabia on a secret mission from Napoleon III. ; British Minister to Uruguay, 1884 ; author of Narra-tive of a Years Journey through Central and Eastern Arabia, Essays on Eastern Questions.
PALLISER, Mrs. Bury ; author of A History of Lace from the Earliest Period, A Descriptive Cata-logue of the Lace and Embroidery in the South Kensington Museum,etc.
PALMER, Edward Henry, M.A.; late Fellow of St Johns Coll. Cambridge; Lord Almoners Professor of Arabic at Cambridge, 1871-81 ; murdered in Egypt, 1882, while serving on Government secret service; author of Arabic Grammar, Persian Dictionary.
PAOLI, Cesare; Professor of Latin, of Palaeography and Diplomatics at the Instituto di Studi Superiori, Florence; Secretary of the Tuscan Section of the Societá di Storia Patria; edited Archivio Storico Italiano; author of Programma Scolastica di Pale-grafia Latina et de Diplomatica, La Vita Italiana nel Cinquecento.
PAPILLON, Rev. Thomas Leslie, M.A.; some-time Fellow of Merton Coll. and of New Coll., Oxford; author of A Manual of Comparative Philo-logy; edited Dean Bradleys Aids to writing Latin Prose, etc.
PAPWORTH, Wyatt Angelicus van Sandau; formerly surveyor to the Alliance Insurance Co. ; Curator of the Soane Museum, 1893; edited Guilts Encyclopaedia of Architecture ; author of The Renaissance and Italian Styles of Architecture in Great Britain.
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