STOCK, Eugene; Editorial Secretary of the Church Missionary Society.
STOCKMAN, Ralph M.D.; Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, University of Glasgow; formerly Lecturer on Materia, Medica in the School of Medicine, Edinburgh.
STODDARD, Richard Henry; author of The Book of the East and other Poems, A Century after: Picturesque Glimpses of Philadelphia, and Pennsyl-vania.
STODDART, James Hartle, LL.D.; edited the Glasgow Herald, 1875-88; author of Village Life, The Seven Sagas of Prehistoric Man.
STORER, Dr. John; Glasgow.
STORM, Gustav; Professor of History, Univ. of Christiania; edited the Nordisk Converationslexikon, Icelandic Annals to 1578, and many works on early Norwegian history.
STORM, Johan, LL.D. ; formerly Professor of Philo-logy, Univ. of Christiania; author of Engelsk Filologi, Det Norske Maalstroev.
STORR, Francis, M.A.; editor of the Journal of Education; Master at Marlborough Coll., 1864-75; Merchant Taylors School, 1875-1901 ; author of Table of Greek Irregular Verbs, a translation of Heines prose works, etc.
STRACHEY, Lady Richard; author of Lay Texts, Memoirs of a Highland Lady, etc.
STRACHEY. Lieut.-General Richard, R.E., G.C.S.I., LL.D., F.R.S.; served in Sutlej Campaign, 1845-46; Public Works Secretary to the Government of India, 1862 ; Member of the Council of India, 1875-89 President of the Royal Geographinal Soc., 1888-90; author of Lectures on Geography'; joint-author of Finances and Public Works of India.
STRANGE, Edward Fairbrother; Assistant Keeper, National Art Library; Assistant, South Kensington Museum, 1889; National Art Library, 1891; author of Alphabets: a Handbook of Lettering, Japanese Illustration, Worcester, the Cathedral and City, and numerous essays on art subjects.
STREATFIELD, R. A., B.A.; author of Masters of Italian Music, The Opera, etc.
STREET, George Edmund, R A.; President of the Royal Institute of British Architects, 1881 ; designed the Law Courts, Strand ; rebuilt the nave of Bristol Cathedral; restored York Minster; author of An Urgent Plea for the Revival of True Principles of Architecture, etc.
STUART, James Montgomery ; author of The History of Free Trade in Tuscany, Reminiscences and Essays.
STUART-GLENNIE, John Stuart, M.A.; Barrister; author of King Arthur, or the Drama of the Revolution, Arthurian Localities, Pilgrim Memories, etc.
STURT, H. ; Queens College, Oxford.
SULLIVAN, William Kirby, Ph.D., D.Sc.; President of Queens Coll., Cork, 1873-90; author of The Manufacture of Beet Sugar in Ireland, Celtic Studies, translated from the German of Dr H. Ebel.
SULLY, James, M.A., LL.D.; Grote Professor of Philosophy of Mind and Logic, Univ. Coll. London, from 1892 ; author of Sensation and Intuition, Outlines of Psychology, etc.
SUMNER, Rev. William Graham LL.D.; Professor of Political and Social Science, Yale Coll., from 1872 ; author of Andrew Jackson as a Public Man, American Finance, and other works on political economy.
SUPLEE, Henry Harrison, B.Sc.; Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers Member of the Franklin Institute; Membre du Société des Ingénieurs Civils de France, etc.; as-sociate-editor of Engineering Magazine, New York and London; author of the English translation of Reuleauxs Konstrukteur, and other works.
SUTHERLAND, Alexander, M.A.; Carlton College, Melbourne.
SWEET, Henry, M.A.; author of A History of English Sounds since the Earliest Period, An Anglo--Saxon Primer, A Handbook of Phonetics, and editions of Early and Middle English texts.
SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles; author of The Queen-Mother, and Rosamond, Atalanta in Calydon, Chastelard, Poems and Ballads William Blake, Songs before Sunrise, Bothwell, Songs of Two Nations, George Chapman, A Study of Shakespeare, Mary Stuart, Tristram of Lyonesse, and other Poems, Miscellanies, A Study of Victor Hugo, Locrine, Study of Den Jonson Studies in Prose and Poetry, Rosamund, Queen of the Lombards, etc.
SYMONDS, John Addington, M.A.; sometime Fellow of Balliol Coll., Oxford; author of Introduc-tion to the Study of Dante, Studies of the Greek Poets, The Renaissance in Italy, and of biographies of Sidney, Ben Jonson, Shelley, and Michelangelo.
SYMONS, Arthur; author of An Introduction to the Study of Browning, Days and Nights, Silhouettes, London Nights, Studies in Two Literatures, The Symbolist Movement in Litera-ture, Images of Good and Evil, Collected Poems.
SYMONS, Henry, B.A. ; sometime Scholar of Wadham College, Oxford, and University Scholar ia Classics of the University of London; formerly Lecturer in Greek and Roman History at Bedford College, London ; Assistant Librarian, British Museum.
SYMONS, Capt. T. W.; U.S. Engineers.
TAIT, Peter Guthrie, M.A., D. Sc. ; Professor of Natural Philosophy, Edin. ; Sec. Royal Soc., Edin. ; Hon. Fellow, St Peters Coll., Cam bridge, Professor of Mathematics, Queens Coll., Belfast, 1854 ; author of Dynamics of a Particle, Quaternions, Thermo-Dynamics, Heat, Light, etc.
TANSLEY, A. G., M.A., F.L.S. ; Asst. Professor of Botany, University Coll., London; author of Memoirs on the Anatomy of Plants; editor of The New Phytologist, etc.
TAUSSIG, Frank William, Ph.D., LL.D.; Professor of Political Economy, Harvard University; editor of the Quarterly Journal of Economics; author of Tariff History of the United States, Wages and Labour, etc.
TAYLOR, The Rev. Charles, D.D., LL.D.; Master of St Johns Coll., Cambridge; author of Geometrical Conics, The Gospel in the Law, The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, etc.
TAYLOR E. Fairfax ; Principal Clerk and Taxing Officer, Judicial Department, House of Lords; trans-lated the Aeneid' into Spenserian stanzas.
TAYLOR, Hon. Hannis, LL.D.; U.S. Minister to Spain, 1893-97; author of The Origin and Growth of the English Constitution.
TAYLOR, Henry Martyn M A., F.R.S. Fellow and former Tutor of Trinity College, Cambridge; Mayor of Cambridge, 1900-01.
TAYLOR, John ; Librarian, Free Library, Bristol; author of Tintern Abbey and its Founders, The Earliest Free Libraries of England, A Book About Bristol, Bristol and Clifton, Old and New; joint--author of Bristol, Past and Present.
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