VANDAM Albert Dresden; author of The Story of the Coup d Etat,, An Englishman in Paris, Undercurrents of the Second Empire, 'A Court Tragedy, etc.
VAN DER WAALS, J. D.; Doctor of Mathematics and Physics, Leyden; Professor of Physics, Amsterdam; Gen. Sec. Royal Academy of Sciences, Amsterdarn ; Cor. ember de lAcadémie des Sciences de Paris, etc.; author of The Continuity of the Gaseous and Liquid States of Matter, etc.
VAN DYKE, Prof. Henry D.D., LL.D.; Professor of English Literature, Princeton University ; author of The Poetry of Tennyson, Little Rivers, The Gospel for an Age of Doubt, The Toiling of Felix, and other Poems, etc.
VAN DYKE John Charles, L.H.D.; author of History of Painting, Old Dutch and Flemish Masters, etc.
VASCONCELLOS, Captain Ernesto de; Sec-retary of the Committee of Colonial Cartography, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Portugal; Secretary of the Lisbon Geographical Society; author of As Colonias Portuguesas, etc.
VAUGHAN, His Eminence Herbert, Cardinal, LD.; Priest of the Title of SS. Andrew and Gregory ori the Coelian Hill; Archbishop of Westminster ; Bishop of Salford, 1872-92 ; author of a large number of pamphlets and letters concerning educational, social, and religious questions, etc.
VEITCH, John, LL.D. ; formerly Professor of Logic and Rhetoric, Glasgow University; author of Memoir of Sir William Hamilton, Lucretius and the Atomic Theory.
VENABLES, Rev. Canon Edmund, M.A.; Precentor of Lincoln; author of Life of John Buuyan, Episcopal Palaces of England.
VERDINOIS, Frederigo; Italian man of letters; translated into Italian Cantico di Natale and La Piccola Dorrit from Dickens, Shakespeares Mid-summer Nights Dream, etc.
VERNON-HARCOURT, Leveson Francis, M.A., M.Inst.C.E. ; Professor of Civil Engineering at Univ. Coll. London; proceeded to India, 1896, to inspect the river Hügli, reporting to Calcutta Port Commissioners; British Member of Jury for Civil Engineering, Paris Exhibition, 1900; author of Rivers and Canals, Harbours and Docks, Civil Engineer-ing as applied in Construction, etc.
VERRALL, Arthur Woollgar, Litt.D. Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge ; author of Euripides the Rationalist; translations of Eschylus and Euripides.
VERWORN, Max, M.D., Ph.D.; Professor of Physiology, Jena; author of Allgemeine Phy-siologie, Psycho-physiologische Protisten-Studien, etc.
VETCH, Col. Robert Hamilton, R.E., C.B.; employed on defences of Bermuda, Bristol Channel, Plymouth Harbour, and Malta, 1861-76; Secretary. of R.E. Institute, Chatham, 1877-83; commanded R.E. Submarine Mining Batt., 1884; Deputy Inspector-General of Fortifications, 1889-94; author of Gordons Campaign in China, Life of Lieut.--Gen. Sir Gerald Graham; edited The Professional Papers of the Corps of R.E.; also the R.E. Journal, 1877-84.
VETH, P. J. ; late Professor of Geography, University of Leyden; one of the founders of the Geographical Society of Amsterdam ; author of Geographical and Statistical Dictionary of the Dutch Indies.
VILLARI, Madame Linda; wife of Professor Pasquale Villari; author of In the Golden Shell, On Tuscan Hills and Venetian Waters, A Double Bond, and other novels; a translation ofher husbands Niccolo Machiavelli, etc.
VILLARI, Pasquale; Professor of Modern History, Reale Istituto di Studi Superiori, Florence; President of the Tuscan Section of the Societi di Storia Patria formerly Minister of Public Instruction in Italy ; author of L Insegnamento della Storia, Niccolo Machiavelli e i suoi Tempi, etc.
VILLARS, Paul ; Knight of the Legion of Honour; London Correspondent of Le Journal des Débats, Le Figaro, etc. ; author of Sketches of England, Scotland And Ireland, etc.
VINCKERS, J. Beekering; formerly Professor of English Language and Literature, University of Groningen.
VINELLI, Dr. Marcello; editor of La Unione Sarda, Cagliari, Sardinia.
VINES, Sydney Howard. M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.; President of the Linnaean Society of London; Sher-ardian Professor of Botany, Oxford; Fellow of Magdalen College; Fellow and Lecturer of Christs Coll., Cambridge, 1876; Reader in Botany, Cambridge, 1883; author of Lectures on the Physiology of Plants, A Students Text-book of Botany, papers in various scientific journals, etc.
VITTORE, E.; Bologna.
VOELCKER, John Christopher Augustus, F.R.S. ; Professor of Chemistry at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, 1849-63; author of many papers on the application of chemistry to practical farming.
WADSWORTH, S., MA.; Barrister-at-Law,of the Inner Temple and of Lincolns Inn; joint-editor of the 17th edition of Davidsons Concise Precedents in Conveyancing.
WAGE R, Harold W. T., F. L. S. ; formerly Lecturer in Biology, Yorkshire Coll., Leeds; H.M. Inspector of Science Schools; author of Memoirs on Cytology and Reproduction of the Lower Organisms, etc.
WAGLE, N. B., B.A. ; formerly Lecturer on San-skrit at the Robert Money Institution, Bombay; Vice-President of the London Indian Society; author of Industrial Development of India, Experiences of Factory Life in England, etc.
WAGNER, Dr. Hermann ; Professor of Geography in Göttingen University; author of Lehrbuch der Geographie; editor of Geographisches Jahrbuch, etc.
WALDSTEIN, Charles, Litt.D., Ph.D.; Fellow of Kings College, Cambridge, 1894; Lecturer in Classical Archaeology in Univ. of Camb., 1880; Director of Fitzwilliam. Museum, Camb., 1883-89; Director of American Archaeological School, Athens, 1889-93; Slade Professor of Fine Art, 1895-1901; author of Balance of Emotion and Intellect, Essays on the Art of Phidias, The Jewish Question and the Mission of the Jews, etc.
WALFORD, Cornelius; Barrister, of the Middle Temple; author of Famines of the World, Past and Present, Fairs, Past and Present, Guilds: their Origin, Constitution, Object, and later History.
WALKER, Gen. F. A. ; sometime Professor of Political Economy, Yale College, U.S. ; U. S. Com-missioner to the International Monetary Conference, Paris, 1878 ; author of Money, Money, Trade, and.Industry, Political Economy, Bimetallism, and other works on political economy.
WALKER, Gen. James, C. B., LL.D., F.R.S.; for-merly Director of the General Trigonometrical Survey, India; author of Account of the Great Trigonometri-cal Survey of India, vols. i.-ix.
WALKER, James, D-Sc., F.R.S.; Professor of Chemistry, University College, Dundee.
WALKER, Norman, M.B., F.R.C.P.; Assistant Physician of Edinburgh Infirmary; part-author of An Introduction to Dermatology.
WALLACE, Alfred Russel, LL.D., D.C.L., F.R.S. ; President of the Land Nationalisation Society; author of The Theory of Natural Selection Miracles and Modern Spiritualism, The Geographi-cal Distribution of Animals The Malay Archipelago, Land Nationalisation, etc.
WALLACE, Sir Donald Mackenzie, K.C.I.E., K.C.V.O. ; Private Secretary to Marquesses of Dufferin and of Lansdowne as Viceroys of India, 1884-89; attached to the Czarewitch as political officer during his tour in India and Ceylon, 1890-91 ; Director of the Foreign Department of The Times, 1891-99; Assist. Private Secy. to H. R. H. the Duke of Cornwall- and York during his colonial tour, 1901; member of Institut do Droit International and Officier de IInstruction Publique of France; joint-editor of New Volumes of Encyclopaedia Britannica ; author of Russia, Egypt and the Egyptian Question, The Web of Empire, etc.
WALLACE, Rev . Edwin, LL.D.; Fellow of Worcester Coll., Oxford, 1871-84 ; Tutor and Dean, 1881-84 ; author of Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle, and many magazine articles on philo-sopbical subjects.
WALLACE, Rev. Robert, M.A., D.D., M.P.; formerly Professor of Church History, Edinburgh; editor of The Scotsman, 1876-80 ; author of George Buchanan.
WALLACE, William, M.A., LL.D.; assistant editor of the Glasgow Herald; author of Burns and Mrs Dunlop, Scotland Yesterday ; edited Chamberss Life and Works of Burns,etc.
WALLACE, William, M.A.; Fellow of Merton College, Oxford, 1867; Whytes Professor of Moral Philosophy, Oxford, from 1882 ; author of The Logic of Hegel, Epicureanism, Kant, Life of Arthur Schopenhauer.
WALLIS, George, F.S.A.; Deputy-Commissioner for the Exhibitions of 1851 and 1862 ; Headmaster of the Birmingharn School of Design, 1851-58; Keeper of Art Collection, South Kensington Museum, 1858--1890 ; author of The Principles of Art as applied to Design, The Royal House of Tudor, Decorative Art in Britain, Past, Present, and Future, etc.
WALLIS, John Edward Power, M.A.; Advocate--General of Madras; Inns of Court Reader in Con-stitutional Law, 1892-97; author of State Trials for the State Trials Committee, and numerous articles on constitutional law and history.
WALPOLE, Sir Spencer, K.C.B., LL.D.; In-spector of Fisheries, 1867; Lieut.-Governor of the Isle of Man, 1882 ; Secretary to the Post Office, 1893-99 ; author of History of England from 1815 Life of Rt. Hon. Spencer Perceval, Foreign Relations, The Land of Home Rule, etc.
WALTERS, Frederick; London; late of Santiago de Chile.
WALTON, Hon. Sir Joseph, K.C.; Judge of the Kings Bench Div. ; chairman of the General Council of the Bar, 1899; Recorder of Wigan, 1895-1901 ; author of Practice and Procedure of Court of Common Pleas at Lancaster.
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