Today in History - April 27
Ferdinand Magellan Killed in Philippines
Mogul Dynasty Established in Delhi
-- Compiled by James Finlayson-Bald

Memorial to the navigator Ferdinand Magellan at the site of the Battle of Mactan on Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines on April 27, 1521. This monument was built by the Spanish during the 19th century and is now known as the Magellan Shrine. Magellan's name on the monument is written in the Portuguese manner: "Hernando de Magallanes". Magellan was a Portuguese who led the Spanish fleet sent in 1519 to find a western sea route to Asia and its spices (then much sought by Europe). Although Magellan was killed during the trip, his fleet ended up achieving the first circumnavigation of the globe. (Photo: Wolfgang Hägele.)
On this date:
1521Ferdinand Magellan, Portuguese navigator, is killed by natives in the Philippines.
1526Barbar, Mogul Emperor of India, defeats Ibrahim at Battle of Panipat and establishes Mogul Dynasty in Delhi.
1650Scots under Montrose are defeated by British at Carbisdale.
1830Simon Bolivar abdicates as President of Colombia.
1909Young Turks depose Sultan Abdul Hamid, who is succeeded by Mohammed V.
1910Louis Botha and Hames Hertzog found South African Party.
1938Greece and Turkey sign treaty of friendship.
1941Athens falls to German invaders after 180 days of Greek resistance in World War II.
1950Communist Party is outlawed in Australia; Britain recognises Israel.
1960Syngman Rhee resigns as President of South Korea; Togo becomes independent republic.

Statue of Lapu Lapu on Mactan Island, Cebu, Philippines. Lapu Lapu was a chieftain on Mactan Island and the commander of the Filipino native forces which killed Ferdinand Magellan at the Battle of Mactan in 1521. This statue is known as the Lapu-Lapu Shrine. Lapu Lapu is now regarded as an early Filipino hero for repelling the forces of European aggression. The Magellan Shrine (also shown in closeup in the photo at the top of this page) and the Philippine national flag can be seen behind the Lapu Lapu Shrine. (Photo: Wng.)
Edward Gibbon, English historian (1737-1794)
Samuel F. B. Morse, US inventor (1791-1872)
Ulysses S. Grant, US President and general (1822-1885)
"Ambition is so powerful a passion in the human breast that however high we reach we are never satisfied."
-- Nicola Machiavelli, Italian political philosopher, (1469-1527)
The above article was written by James Finlayson-Bald.
Edited and illustrations added by David Paul Wagner.